Our Mission
To Declare, Preach and Teach Christ’s Redemption and its Benefits to all Generations. To lead individuals into a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ and equip them for service to God and humanity. To spiritually conform and enhance the lives of every believer throughout the world.
Mission Declaration: Restore, Redeem, Release
Many people are trapped in poverty by processes and systems outside of their control. They are without hope to change or influence their circumstances. We long to see God’s people restored in health, spirit, and dignity as we come along side these families.
We believe that only God can restore His people through redemption in His son Jesus Christ. Therefore, relief of physical needs is not enough; a holistic approach is necessary. Partnering with the local community to make disciples is an important part of bringing hope and healing. We know that Biblical community and relational discipleship can transform a life and a generation.
As individuals and families experience restoration, redemption, and healing, they are equipped to love, forgive, worship, and work in their community. They have the opportunity to share that same hope with their families and neighbors. We desire to see them released as agents of change in their homes, their communities, and their world.